The “Cash Back Bonus” Personal Lines policy

A cash back bonus is our way of rewarding you when you do not claim for a certain period. PWV markets a specific Hollard Insurance Company cash back bonus policy. Here is how it works::

1 What is a “cash back bonus”
A cash back bonus is our way of rewarding you when you do not claim for a certain period. Hollard will pay you back part of the premium you have paid them as a reward for not claiming.
2 Is the premium higher because I may receive a “cash back bonus”
No, The cost of the benefit is negligible and included in the total premium.
3 May I elect not to participate in the “cash back bonus”
No, the cash back bonus is compulsory to this specific product.
4 Key terms to understand
CBB Cash back bonus
Cycle An uninterrupted period of insurance, starting with 36 months, and then reduced to 24 months should you receive a CBB for the first 36 months.

How the cash back bonus (CBB) works

We will pay you 10 percent of the premiums you paid us during a cycle if you are claim-free during that cycle. This is subject to the following conditions:

o You must be claim-free for the full cycle

– You must be claim-free for the full cycle. This applies whether you pay premiums monthly or annually. 

– Claim-free means that you did not submit a claim.

  • Calling us to discuss a possible claim does not mean that you have submitted a claim
  • However, once we have spent any costs because of you submitting a claim, you may not withdraw that claim
  • A full or partial recovery of costs under any claim will not cancel or reverse that claim. We will regard that claim as having been submitted and you will lose your CBB.

– There are certain types of claims that won’t affect your CBB.

  • There are certain types of claims covered by various extensions (additional cover) under the policy that will not count as a claim under a CBB 
  • These are: Damage to guests’ property; Domestic worker’s property; Emergency-services expenses; Full house (bowls); Hole-in-one (golf); Keys, Locks and remote controls; Money; Personal documents; Refrigerator contents; Rent; Stamp and coin collections; Theft of outdoor furniture; Veterinary expenses and medical benefit; Repairable windscreen damage

– If you submit a claim:

  • Your cycle will stop and start again on the first day of the month, after the month of the claim event date
  • You will lose your CBB
  • All claims must be reported within 30 days of the event. 

o There may not be a break in cover

There may not be a break in your insurance cover during the cycle.

– All premiums for the entire cycle must be paid in full and within the grace period

– If your policy ends because of non-payment of premiums, or for any other reason, you will lose your CBB

– If your policy starts again, your cycle will also start again

– You cannot get a proportionate CBB if your policy lapses or is cancelled before the cycle is completed.

o How we calculate your CBB

– You will get 10 percent of the premiums you paid to Hollard for a claim-free cycle. 

– If you get a CBB for your first claim-free 36 months, your cycle period will be reduced to 24 months thereafter.

– Hollard will deduct the following costs from the premium before they calculate the CBB:

  • value added tax (VAT);
  • any Sasria premiums;
  • client, policy or administration fees;
  • broker commission
  • value add products and services

o When we will pay the CBB

– Hollard will pay the CBB 30 days after the end date of the cycle as set out in your policy schedule.

– Hollard will pay the CBB into the bank account details that we have on record, unless you tell us differently.

– Once Hollard have paid a CBB, no claim will be accepted for any event that happened during the cycle for which you earned the CBB.